How to dye canvas shoes (1)

How to dye canvas shoes

Want to change the appearance of your canvas shoes? Dyeing is a simple method that can add a unique style to old or plain shoes. Whether it’s breathing new life into worn-out shoes or creating a custom color not found in stores, dyeing allows you to express your personality. So, how to dye canvas shoes? Let’s explore the process step by step.

Platform canvas shoes


  1. Before dyeing, ensure that the shoes are clean and free of stains. Pre-wash the shoes with warm soapy water, and do not use fabric softener. This step can remove surface treatments that may affect the dyeing process.
how to dye canvas shoes
  1. Create a Workspace:

Cover your workspace with a plastic tablecloth and have paper towels on hand to prevent potential spills. This ensures a clean and orderly dyeing process.

  1. Remove Insoles and Laces:

Take out the insoles and set them aside. Also, remove the laces to prevent them from being dyed during the dyeing process.

  1. Protect the Soles:

To prevent staining the soles, apply a thin layer of Vaseline or cover them with electrical tape. However, if you are dyeing silk or leather shoes, avoid using petroleum jelly as it may stain the fabric.

  1. Prepare the Dyebath:

To prevent the soles from being dyed, apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly or cover them with electrical tape. However, if you’re dyeing silk or leather shoes, avoid using petroleum jelly as it may stain the fabric.

  1. Add the Dye:

Wearing rubber gloves, add dye to the dyebath. Shake the dye bottle well before adding it. If you desire a darker or bolder color, double the amount of dye. Mix the dye solution thoroughly.

how to dye canvas shoes
  1. Test the Color: You can dip a paper towel into the dye solution to test the intensity of the color. If the color is too light, add more dye; conversely, if the color is too dark, add more water to dilute it.

Here the canvas shoe dyeing preparation is complete, in the next article we will introduce in detail how to change the color of your canvas shoes. Get ready to unleash your creativity and discover how to dye canvas shoes becaming you like color.